Counselling procedure
Counselling for admission to B.Tech programs will be done simultaneously in Vellore andChennai campuses, through online multicity counselling procedure. Candidates can opt to
appear for counselling in any one of the cities either Vellore or Chennai. Candidates should
submit their choice of the counselling center on or before 10/5/2012.
The procedure followed will be the same as in the previous years. After exercising their choice of
the counselling center, the candidates have to come on the scheduled day of counselling and
register themselves in the counselling center. They will be called into the counselling hall
according to their rank in the VITEEE 2012.
For example:
If the 1st ranker is in Vellore and the 2nd and 3rd rankers are in Chennai and 4th ranker is in
Vellore taking the counselling, the 1st ranker will be given the first choice of selecting the branch
and the campus of his/her choice. Then the 2nd ranker and 3rd ranker, even though they are in
Chennai will have his/her turn respectively. Only after 2nd and 3rd rankers finish exercising their
choice in Chennai, the 4th ranker in Vellore will get the opportunity to choose the branch and
the campus of his/her choice.
This is being made possible through online mode of communication and the whole process will
be in the Video conferencing mode. This means that the candidates in Vellore will be able to see
who is going into the counselling hall in Chennai and in the same way the candidates in Chennai
will be able to see in the screen the candidate, who is going into the counselling hall in Vellore.
The screen indicating the seat availability in various branches in both the campuses will be a
common one and the candidates both in Vellore and Chennai counselling centers will be able to
see them. This ensures transparent admission process at VIT, as done in the past.
This new online counselling methodology is being followed to make easier, the travel plans of
many of the candidates and parents coming from far off places.
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