Sunday 6 May 2012


May 28, 2012 10:00 am
May 28, 2012 1:00 pm
Location: Chennai
State: Tamil Nadu

A 30 Hr long Exciting training course in Embedded Systems using Arduino.

This Course has been tailor made to give you complete hands-on exposure
to embedded systems and building prototypes. The course focuses on
extensive project based learning methodology with a special focus on
interfacing different types of hardware – sensors, actuators, displays
& other devices (GSM, ZIGBEE, IR Remotes, etc).

Check out a Sample Project Videos of what you will learn to do…
Duration: 10 Days / 30 Hrs [ 3hrs x 10 Sessions] 
##### – Fees: 6381/- per person[Inclusive of Kit + Training Fee + Taxes] – #####
10% Discount when you register as a group of 10 or more
Course : 28/5/2012 to 08/06/2012
Venue: Simple Labs Office, Ashok Nagar, Chennai
Certificate: Yes – All Participants get a Certificate
Participants are Required to Bring in a Laptop
Kit Contents
InduinoX Board x 1
[Atmega168 Microcontroller + DS1307 RTC + TSOP IR Receiver + IR LED + LDR + RGB LED + 3 LEDS + 3 SWITCHES]
LCD Shield x 1
16×2 LCD x 1
Stripper x 1
Aligner x 1
Breadboard x 1
Breadboard Components x 1
[TSOP, Voltage Regulator - 7805, Capacitors, Resistors, LEDs, Buttons & L293D]
USB Cable x 1
Hook-up Wire Set x 1
IR Remote x 1
IR Proximity Sensors x 2
Temperature Sensor(LM35) x 1
DTMF Control Board x 1
Relay Control Board x 1
Course Contents – Day by Day Overview
Day 1 – Introduction
Introduction to Embedded Systems – 30 Mins
Introduction to Arduino – 15 Mins
Kit Contents Overview – 15 Mins
Arduino IDE & Driver Installation – 30 Mins
InduinoX Board Overview – 15 Mins
Program Structure Overview – 15 Mins
Working with Digital Outputs – 30 Mins
Building a Simple Binary Counter – 30 Min

Day 2 – Digital I/O’s
Working with Digital Inputs – 30 Mins
Building a Simple Switch Controlled Binary Counter – 30 Mins
Working with Serial Communication – 40 Mins
Controlling the Binary Counter through a Serial Interface – 30 Mins
Working with Analog Inputs – LDR [Light Sensor] – 20 Mins
Building A Simple LDR based Lighting Level Controller – 30 Mins
Day 3 – Analog I/O’s
Working with Analog Outputs – RGB LEDs – 20 Mins
Generating Random Colors – 20 Mins
Building a Simple Color Mixer with a Simple User Interface – 60 Mins
Working with Analog Inputs – LM35 [Temperature Sensor] – 20 Mins
Advanced I/O Operations -Blinking Differently – 60 Mins
Day 4 – Advanced I/O Operations 
Advanced I/O Operations -PORT Manipulation – Driving a 7-Segment LED – 40 Mins
Displaying Temperature using two 7-Segment LEDS – 60 Mins
Working with Liquid Crystal Displays –30 Mins
Adding a LCD Interface to Color Mixer – 50 Mins
Day 5 – I2C Communication
Working with I2C Communication – RTC – DS1307 – 60 Mins
Build a Simple LCD Clock – 60 Mins
Build a Simple Timer Controlled Lighting System – 30 Mins
Working with Storage – Internal EEPROM – 30 Mins
Day 6 – Wireless Communication A Practical Approach
Working with Communication Protocols – IR Remotes / SIRC – 90 Mins
Building a IR Based 2-way Communication System – 90 Mins
Day 7 – Interrupts & Motor Control
Working with Interrupts – 30 Mins
Working with Motor Drivers – H-bridges – 60 Mins
Building a Remote Control Based Motor Speed Controller – 90 Mins
Day 8 – DTMF
Working with DTMF – 60 Mins
Working with Relays – 30 Mins
Building a Secure Device Control System using DTMF – 90 Mins
Day 9 – Advanced Serial Communication Devices
Interfacing GSM – Building Call / SMS based Application – 90 Mins
Interfacing RFID & Zigbee – Building a Simple Asset Tracking Application – 90 Mins
Day 10 – RAW Breadboard Contrsuction
Breadboard Constructions Overview – 15 Mins
Basic Power Regulation Cicruitry – 45 Mins
Breadboard Construction of Microcontroller Circuitry – 60 Mins
Hardware Implementation of a Simple Project on Breadboard – 60 Mins


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