Friday 13 April 2012


EE2033                     MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS                          L T P C
3 0 0  3

The aim of this course is to educate the student to understand the fundamentals of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)


At the end of this course the student will be able to

(i)           Integrate the knowledge of semiconductors and solid mechanics to fabricate MEMS devices.

(ii)           Understand the rudiments of Micro fabrication techniques.

(iii)        identify and understand the various sensors and actuators

(iv)        different materials used for MEMS

(v)         Applications of MEMS to disciplines beyond Electrical and Mechanical engineering.

UNIT I             INTRODUCTION                        9

Intrinsic Characteristics of MEMS - Energy Domains and Transducers- Sensors and Actuators -
Introduction to Micro fabrication - Silicon based MEMS processes - New Materials - Review of
Electrical and Mechanical concepts in MEMS - Semiconductor devices - Stress and strain analysis
- Flexural beam bending- Torsional deflection.

Electrostatic sensors - Parallel plate capacitors - Applications –
Interdigitated Finger capacitor -
Comb drive devices - Thermal   Sensing and Actuation - Thermal expansion – Thermal couples -
Thermal resistors - Applications - Magnetic Actuators - Micro magnetic components - Case studies of MEMS in magnetic actuators.

UNIT III           SENSORS AND ACTUATORS-II                        9

Piezoresistive sensors - Piezoresistive sensor materials - Stress analysis of mechanical elements-Applications to Inertia, Pressure, Tactile and Flow sensors – Piezoelectric sensors and Actuators- piezoelectric effects - piezoelectric materials - Applications to Inertia , Acoustic, Tactile and Flow sensors.

UNIT IV           MICROMACHINING                        9

Silicon Anisotropic Etching - Anisotropic Wet Etching - Dry Etching of Silicon – plasma etching-Deep Reaction Ion Etching (DRIE) - Isotropic Wet Etching - Gas phase etchants - case studies - Basic surface micromachining processes - Structural and Sacrificial Materials - Acceleration of
sacrificial Etch - Striction and Antistriction methods - Assembly of 3D MEMS - Foundry process.

UNIT V            POLYMER AND OPTICAL MEMS                        9

Polymers in MEMS- Polyimide - SU-8 - Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) - PDMS – PMMA Parlyene - Fluorocarbon -  Application to Acceleration, Pressure, Flow and Tactile sensors- Optical MEMS -
Lenses and Mirrors - Actuators for Active Optical MEMS.



1. Chang Liu, ‘Foundations of MEMS’, Pearson Education Inc., 2006.


1. Nadim Maluf, “ An introduction to Micro electro mechanical system design”, Artech House,   2000.

2. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, editor, “The MEMS Handbook”, CRC press Baco Raton, 2000

3. Tai Ran Hsu, “MEMS & Micro systems Design and Manufacture” Tata McGraw Hill, New    Delhi, 2002.
4. Julian w. Gardner, Vijay k. varadan, Osama  O.Awadelkarim,micro sensors MEMS and smart devices, John Wiley & son LTD,2002

5. James J.Allen, micro electro mechanical system design, CRC Press published in 2005

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